Sunday, March 23, 2008

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives‏: Day 9

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

We are so blessed to have a Savior who would choose to die for the sins of the world. He has overcome death in victory and we celebrate his resurrection on this Easter day. Praise God that we have eternal life in Jesus if we ask Him to come into our hearts and personally forgive our sins past, present, and future. When we do that, we can live with God in heaven for eternity because Jesus paid the cost!

Day Nine:" swift to hear, slow to speak..." James 1:19b

We are often so busy speaking that we don't take time to listen. We are so quick to offer a comment - negative or positive - that we don't really "hear" our husband's heart. Remember: we have two ears and only one mouth. We need to listen more!

As you continue in your 30-day challenge, not speaking negatively and focusing on positive encouragement, hear the Lord's admonition today: "Be swift to hear."

If listening is a real problem for you, play a game with yourself. See if you can listen to your husband for one whole day, only speaking when asked a question. If your husband notices the difference, explain that you are learning to listen more-not only to God, but also to him.

One easy way to express admiration for your husband is to ask a question about something he enjoys, and then listen to his response. If it's an area of personal familiarity, keep asking questions until you learn something you didn't know, then tell him, "Wow, I didn't know that!"

This is a timely lesson for me. Wow, this challenge has met me right where I need it most each day I post. How's that for the Lord's leading?! I'll see if I can swallow my pride, and close my mouth more often and open my ears. My husband is such a good listener, I should learn from scripture and give my husband the courtesy he gives me.

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